Saturday, April 4, 2009

Advantages and Disadvantages of Blogging in an Organization

Blogging is a relatively new phenomenon that is widely used by many people in today's society. Technorati, a blog authority claims that approximately one million blogs are being written daily.


There are several reasons for a blog’s success in an organizational structure. These reasons include that fact that blogs are a form of expression and are widely used. At first blogs were seen to have little to offer organizations. They were considered to be places where individuals primarily gave their opinions and spoke about their likes and dislikes. Their potential was only recently noticed. Blogs are now considered to be a great communication tool for firms. Individuals can use different fonts, colors and images when creating a post. Bloggers can express themselves and provide their opinions through commenting on posts made by other bloggers. This exchange of information is a way of sharing knowledge and being heard.

Typical organizational communications include reports, news releases, emails and memos. The fact that users express themselves through blogs sets it apart from any other corporate communication tool. The popularity of blogs has allowed for their increased use by both employees and customers. Both customers and employees appreciate the information shared about the organization through a blog. Businesses are thus able to expand their brand image and create a relationship with their customers. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Organizations are also able to receive feedback through a blog.

Furthermore, blogs are a great way of creating employee motivation. Blogs are an interactive site where Employees can post comments and feel as though their voice is being heard. An organizational community is created where employees feel valued and are thus motivated. Motivation causes increased performance and lower employee turnover. Employees are also able to show their expertise and share ideas.

Ultimately, through the use of a blog, both customers and employees can be better informed of to the daily occurrences in an organization. This increases brand loyalty and spreads knowledge within an organization.


A major disadvantage of blogging is that many people do not have something interesting to say or cannot convey their message clearly. Blogs are also difficult to maintain. It requires time to update and maintain a blog. When these updates are not done, customers and employees feel uninformed which may lead to customer and employee dissatisfaction, hindering the firm’s reputation.

Furthermore, there have been circumstances where employees have been reprimanded and even fired for what they wrote on a blog. Over 57% of executives at 332 large firms are worried about the potential ramifications of blogging, as shown by a survey conducted by Proofpoint. Managers must trust that employees do not expose confidential information. Worries about libel which can be damaging to the firm’s reputation have risen. Readers such as the media and investors may be offended by certain comments written on a blog which poses a problem for the organization.

Although blogs allow for freedom of expression and sharing of knowledge, if a good idea is shared on a blog it may be stolen.Competitors or other members of the organization may take the idea is if it were their own. Lastly, if blogs are poorly maintained and contain opposing opinions, the organization seems incoherent to its customers.

An example of a blog is Southwest Airline’s Nuts about Southwest which can be seen at This blogs is interactive and dynamic which allows the firm to expand their brand image.


  1. (2009). Enterprise Blogs Info. Retrieved April 4, 2009, from Corporate Blogging Disadvantages Web site:
  2. McGovern, Gerry (23 August 2004). Blogs and blogging: advantages and disadvantages. Retrieved April 3 2009, from New Thinking Web site:
  3. Hogan, Dave (23 March 2009). PR Column: Blogs help businesses build their brand and reach key audiences. Retrieved April 3, 2009, from Abilene Biz Web site:
  4. (2009). Nuts About Southwest. Retrieved April 4, 2009, from Blogsouthwest Web site:

1 comment:

  1. Really I appreciate the effort you made to share the knowledge. Its good to see this information in your post,as every body has described the pros of Blogging in an Organization no body discussed its cons, loved reading your entire blog
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